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David Stone posted MSU official visit pictures and they’re amazing

OK, these are fire.



Michigan State football

Five-star defensive line target David Stone posted his Michigan State football official visit pictures, and they’re amazing.

Mel Tucker and Michigan State just had its biggest weekend of the year, hosting several blue-chip recruits, headlined by guys like Nick Marsh, Jason Brown, and David Stone.

Unlike the official visit schedule from a year ago, it feels like Michigan State actually has a chance with each of these guys. The Spartans may not be leaders in all of their recruitments, but they have a fighter’s chance to land each one. Yes, even the five-star from Oklahoma (Stone).

One of the best parts of all of these officials in June is seeing the pictures that come from the trips. They seem to get better every year. And this year is no exception.

In fact, Stone might just have the best gallery of visit pics out there.

On Tuesday, he posted the pictures from his official visit and they might just be the best of any recruit we’ve seen in the Mel Tucker era. I mean, these pictures are unbelievable.

The throne picture is obviously really good as well as the first one with the two axes, but the shield and axe picture with the green lighting is unreal. It just looks like a movie cover. Tell me that you wouldn’t go see the movie if Stone’s second picture wasn’t the featured image. You’d 100 percent pay $20 per ticket and $10 for popcorn at AMC (or whatever it is these days) to see Stone as the main character in the new 300 movie with this image in the box office.

There’s just no reason for these pictures to be this good.

Stone posted the pictures on his Instagram and, to no one’s surprise, a Michigan account commented and trolled him and he responded the only way a true Spartan would.

Stone also set the location for these visit pictures as “home away from home.”

We are so ready to be hurt.

Writer, co-owner of Spartan Shadows. Michigan State and college football expert at FanSided and formerly of The Detroit News. Expert on all things Michigan State. Connor Muldowney has written about Michigan State since graduating from the university with a degree in journalism back in 2013. Ten years of experience as a Michigan State writer/reporter.
