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An open letter to Michigan State students, East Lansing community

Spartan Strong. EL Strong.



Michigan State

The aftermath of tragedy at Michigan State leaves a hole in our hearts and we’re thinking of the students and community.

Dear Michigan State students and East Lansing community,

As I sit here, trying to find the words to encapsulate the emotions that I feel as a former Michigan State student, I’m overcome with sadness.

It’s not a normal sadness that you can just “think happy thoughts” and get over, it’s more of a permanent sadness knowing that what just transpired on Monday night will never be forgotten. Thousands of you will never be the same. You had their lives turned upside down in one night thanks to a senseless act from a grown man with no ties to the school deciding it was his turn to play villain.

This is the type of sadness that will always be there when I think about Michigan State, the school that I attended and love. The school where I spent four of the best years of my life.

And now your experience is tainted. That is devastating.

You shouldn’t have to fear for your life when you’re walking to class or catching up with friends at the MSU Union or on Grand River. Fear should never have to be an obstacle for you leaving your dorm room to go get a quick bite to eat at the caf. Studying at the library shouldn’t be something you’re scared to do. You shouldn’t have to worry about double and triple-checking your surroundings on campus because you no longer feel safe.

This isn’t the college experience you deserve. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be enjoying what should be the best four-plus years of your lives. Your parents deserve to be freed from worry while you’re at school.

One man took away your sense of security and that’s devastating. He robbed you of your peace of mind and the security you once felt by walking freely around campus with your only worries being whether you have time to stop in between classes to get food or if you’ll have time to study before an exam or plans on the weekend with friends.

Safety should never be a worry.

The entire nation watched as you guys made us proud. You took the proper steps to be safe and during a crisis, you acted swiftly. It’s rare that you see mass panic corralled so quickly, but you guys got it done.

Three innocent lives were taken and five more remain in critical condition which is absolutely heart-wrenching. This coward took three lives and the peace of mind of thousands more.

But just know that we are all behind you. It doesn’t matter who you are or what your major is, you have the backing of hundreds of thousands of alums. We are all feeling the same today: helpless and wishing we could do more.

If you need to talk to someone, we are all here for you.

Michigan State also released some support numbers here, but don’t be afraid to vent to any one of us alums. Reach out. Don’t bury this emotion inside of you. It’s OK to be angry or sad or pissed off. We are, too.

The Michigan State community is going to rise up and rebuild. We are going to come back stronger than ever and we’re going to make sure you guys are able to enjoy your college experience, not dread it.

We are forever in your corner.

Always, go green.

Writer, co-owner of Spartan Shadows. Michigan State and college football expert at FanSided and formerly of The Detroit News. Expert on all things Michigan State. Connor Muldowney has written about Michigan State since graduating from the university with a degree in journalism back in 2013. Ten years of experience as a Michigan State writer/reporter.
